If you open OculusDebugToolCLI.exe and type help you will be greeted by several commands.
One of which is xray mode which I haven't figured out a way to see its effect.
There is also several ASW and PASS commands for sync and passthrough.
One of which is xray mode which I haven't figured out a way to see its effect.
There is also several ASW and PASS commands for sync and passthrough.
ReplyDeleteSource: https://tractorguru.in/tractors
Hi racer_s, Sorry to bother you on this thread but I would like to ask if there is a way to chat with you concerning RBRNet ? Thanking you in advance.
ReplyDeleteDude! Please help me make Widescreen for the game Hot Rod: American Street Drag. I BEG YOU!
ReplyDeleteMy email: ka3hak@gmail.com